How many dog ​​farms did Watchdog shut down in 2021?
3 min readFeb 8, 2022

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Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog

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Are you reviewing 2021 as you prepare to file your taxes?

Watchdog also looked back on last year’s activities. It’s already been more than 6 months since we officially launched last summer, recruited members, and started our efforts to shut down dog farms.

We would like to update you regarding the number of dog farms shut down since our launch in 2021 and discuss our goals and resolutions for the future.

To date, Watchdog has worked on shutting down a total of 159 dog farms. Dog farms that were issued orders of restoration or closure have been marked with watchdog flags.

A total of 82 locations have already received these administrative orders, and 77 more are currently pending.

We won’t stop at this. Watchdog is aiming to shut down 1,000 dog farms this year. We will also expand the scope of our activities beyond the metropolitan area to the entire country. We recognize that these are rather aggressive goals, but we intend to work even more aggressively towards accomplishing them.

Fines, not compensations to the illegal dog farm owners!

But there are significant challenges ahead. This is because contrary to Watchdog’s ambitious and action-oriented goals, the government is wasting time by conducting a fact-finding mission to determine the amount they will pay the dog meat industry. These payments are considered compensation to the business owners for the profits they would have made, assuming they were not forced to shut down their operations.

However, the notion of compensating these people is ridiculous, as they are conducting their businesses in violation of many current laws. It is difficult to envision any scenario in which compensation is provided for the forcible termination of illegal activity. Not only are such payments absurd, but they are also actually counterproductive; as a result of these expected payments, many dog breeders are continuing their illegal activities in the hopes of receiving future remuneration from the government.

This is why Watchdog works to shut them down and why we are against any compensation to illegal dog farm owners. We further demand that the government impose the maximum fines allowed by law. Only actions such as these will finally end the dog meat industry.

Each day is pure hell for dogs, and Watchdog will not stop until we end their suffering. Please join us and support our efforts to eradicate the dog meat trade.

Watchdog members are currently serving on a volunteer basis. The goal of the organization is to raise enough donations on an ongoing basis to enable them to hire full-time paid activists to expand and carry out their vision of the complete elimination of dog farms and slaughterhouses. With a dedicated full-time paid staff, Watchdog will be in a position to accomplish even more than they are currently doing.

These results are only possible as a result of generous support from our supporters. Please help them continue their important work of shutting down the dog meat industry in South Korea by donating today. Click HERE to see the most recent updates from the Watchdog. Thank you!🙏🏼

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Video: Watchdog raided seven dog farms in Jeju-do



We are a group of volunteer campaigners who are opposed to dog and cat consumption in South Korea.