How to recover your disabled Google account
2 min readDec 24, 2022


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Did you receive an email in your Gmail account stating, “Your Google Account has been disabled”?

Since we send hundreds of protest emails at a time to the South Korean government, and many of them don’t want to receive our emails, they report our emails as spam. After a while, you might receive a notification from Google that your Google account has been disabled. has many Google accounts that we use to send protest emails. One of our emails was disabled, and we were able to recover it by following the steps below.

An important reminder to all of our supporters: DO NOT use your private email account to send out protest emails. Please set up separate Gmail accounts for this purpose.

Click HERE for Instructions for creating new Gmail accounts.

Thank you, as always, for your dedication and perseverance to help stop the South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty!

1. Click the button “Try to restore.”

2. Click the “?” and then “How to recover your Google Account or Gmail.”

3. Under the “Recover a deleted Google Account”, click “recover your account.”

4. Click “Follow the steps to recover your account.”

5. Type in your disabled email address.

6. Type in your password.

Your account should be recovered and you will receive an email as below:



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We are a group of volunteer campaigners who are opposed to dog and cat consumption in South Korea.

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