“Maengi” rescued from Jeju Island.
Shared from: https://koreandogs.org/maengi/
Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)
Maengi, meaning “blind,” was left unattended and neglected under a shipping container for far too long. After surviving like this for approximately 10 years, the multitude of heart problems caused by a severe heartworm infestation is too great for his tiny body.
Poor Maengi isn’t well enough to be transported to the mainland yet, so after emergency treatment at a local hospital, he will recuperate with the kind citizen who informed us of his desperate situation. His swollen face and body have shrunk a little thanks to the treatment, but they will swell again before too long.
He is being fostered at the informant’s house in Jeju after being given up by his indifferent owner. Maengi is experiencing a warm and cozy home for the first time in his life.
We hope you live a little longer so you can enjoy the safety and comfort you deserve.
What a miserable 10 years this kid has lived.
The damp space under the container was Maengi’s whole world. He’d never even had a rice bowl. The feed poured on the bare ground was infested with ants, accompanied by the maggots feeding on the piles of feces under the container.
Maybe he was born under this container, one of only a few safe spaces for a stray dog to give birth. Even a tiny dog can only come and go when they lie face down in the dirt. Maengi lived here with his parents and siblings, but they all died one by one, leaving him alone.
His fur stayed wet all summer, his swollen body under constant attack from the relentless mosquitoes. For ten years, his life was limited to this small, wet, dirty space; who knows how much longer he could have survived.
Last year, the would-be rescuer met this black-haired, friendly-eyed little dog. Since March this year, they have taken pity on him and regularly brought him snacks.
At first, he was on high alert as he’d never been close to someone, let alone experienced kindness. He would dart out from his shelter, retrieving a snack in his mouth and crawling back under the container to savor it.
Over time, he lifted his guard against the rescuer. He finally approached a couple of months ago, leaning in quietly, allowing his face and body to be touched, maybe for the first time. His fur, which had not been cared for in 10 years, was ragged and tangled, exposing his bone-thin body.
Since last Saturday, he hasn’t been able to walk well. His stomach, chest, and face were swelling up like balloons, making it difficult for him to get out from under the container. His human friend reached out to CARE, a desperate plea for help that didn’t go unanswered.
The clinic walls were the first he’d ever seen of the outside world. Will this be where his life ends?
Please reach out to Maengi, and welcome him out of the darkness. Help this sweet, trusting dog to live his final days peacefully and without pain or fear.
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Documentary: Cruel Death of South Korea’s Dogs. Dogs Are Innocent.(한국 댕댕이 잔혹사: 개는 죄가 없다) https://koreandogs.org/documentary-koreas-dog-cruelty/
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Mahatma Gandhi