Watchdog: Action Alert! Help shut down horrific dog farm in Chujeong-ri, Cheongju, and demand dogs be relocated to a shelter!
3 min readMar 13, 2022


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Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog

Cheongju, Chujeong-ri dog farm. Dog Dream.

From CARE:

This is regarding a dog farm in Chujeong-ri, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do province, South Korea, where a slaughterhouse and a dog meat restaurant were once operating together. Although the dog meat restaurant appears to have been closed, the dog farm still exists.
Below we share an excerpt from the report of a member who had recently visited this place.

When we arrived, the dogs were howling in pain and distress.
This dog farm must be very old; the cages were made with wood. I have never seen raised wire cages that look like this. The conditions there were even more appalling than those at other dog farms I have seen due to its age. The dogs were perpetually confined to narrow, cramped cages, living on top of heaps of excrement with their swollen, painful paws. Excrement was piled high in their wire cages; the dogs’ stomach and paws were full of this filth. Among them, a pregnant dog was also seen. The mother was suffering in the same conditions and filth, just as her soon-to-be-born puppies surely would as well.

Dirty bowls that looked as though they have not been washed in 10 years held rotten and moldy food waste that even the starving dogs couldn’t bring themselves to eat.

Life in that place, where even the light doesn’t come in, seemed so painful and miserable. Nevertheless, despite all that they have endured, the dogs that saw us seemed to welcome us with anticipation. It was so heartbreaking to see them so eager for us to pet them as if even the smallest gesture of affection would offer them a momentary reprieve from the hell in which they were living. Throughout the filming, they were crying out, clearly begging to be taken out of those cages and saved from their lives of torment.

I was heartbroken to look into the eyes of these dogs and see a glimmer of hope that we had come to rescue them from the daily suffering they endure in this horrible environment.

All the preparations for filing civil complaints against this dog farm/slaughterhouse are now complete. These civil complaints, which outline all illegal activities at this dog farm, are the best option we have to finally shut it down permanently.

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We are a group of volunteer campaigners who are opposed to dog and cat consumption in South Korea.